In October 2020 a team of us young people from Slovo met to discuss the challenges that confront the community where we live, we built a model and identified some of the major issues that we felt we could start doing something about. These included water leakages, safety and security, teenage pregnancy, the state of the environment and substance abuse. In February 2021 we heard about the integrated urban development framework (IUDF) seed funding that South African Cities Network was offering. We applied for the funding and were fortunate enough to receive support for three to four months.


We understand that moving away from waiting for government to do things for us to using our own skills, abilities, and passion to work with our community for the changes we want to see is not going to be easy. We have started a number of projects that we are very excited about.


Vegetable Garden

One of the projects that Slovo CYD have embarked on is to start a vegetable garden with a view to make the community food secure.  


Repairing of the Container 

Slovo CYD have committed to painting and fixing up a container with in Slovo Park . The container has been painted and windows have been replaced.  


Fixing water issues

Slovo CYD have taken it upon themselves to fix some of the water and sanitation issues within Slovo Park. They are fixing toilets and plumbing. 


Transforming Slovo Launch

On Saturday 24th April, The Slovo Park Community Youth Desk launched #Transforming Slovo. The event generated a lot of excitement amongst both children and adults from the community.

The program was conducted by the team and was used to introduce the projects they have been working on and would be focusing on going forward. The program included:

  • A prayer
  • Poetic recitals from children
  • A walk to the veg Garden.
  • Conversation about challenges the community are facing

Festivities ended with planning of three trees. A number of sponsors ensured that the day was fun, with work sheets for the children, beanies for some of the guests, fruit to share and trees for planting.


Thank you to the generous sponsors who supported the event:

  • Geoff Bickford - Lively DT
  • Sunny Morgan - Enerlogy
  • Catherine Constanindes – Former Miss Earth SA
  • Rehana Moosajee - The Barefoot Facilitator

Solar Power 

Slovo Community youth desk have successfully installed Solar Power in the container. They now have 10 plugs in the container and are looking to use the container as a skills development hub. This was made possible thanks to a generous donation by Sunny Morgan.